You already HAVE the skills you need to be great at poker.

What if you could take the guesswork out of your most difficult decisions?

No more assumptions. No more confusion.

Learn how to answer your own burning questions with the most powerful poker technology on the market.

Hi, I’m Nick Howard, founder and CEO of Poker Detox, an elite NLHE online cash game staking company.

I am a former Run It Once Elite Pro coach and I have thousands of hours of experience coaching players at all levels, from low stakes to nosebleeds.

Have you ever noticed that 80% of the posts on poker forums follow the exact same 3-step formula?

1.   A player faces a difficult bet on the river and makes a decision he’s unsure about.

2.   The player then posts the hand history online seeking guidance and validation.

3.   Others chime in with opinions and anecdotal evidence until the discussion fizzles out.

A lot of players call this behavior “studying.” But how many of these discussions actually get anywhere? Most of the time, they turn into biased debates that end with no clear conclusion. 

It’s so common that we don’t even think it’s weird when two players give us the exact opposite advice on how to play a handOne player will say something like:

“Well, I feel like he can’t rep much value here, because what value could he have that makes sense in this line? I think you have to call.”

And then another player responds,

“I think it’s a fold because I think most opponents would perceive you to be really strong here. When he raises you in this line, it’s probably underbluffed.”

Do you see the problem here? These players don’t have any evidence for what they are saying. They are simply speculating based on their feelings about the hand and providing anecdotes, not data.

So even if a consensus is reached, how do we know that we can trust it? And how likely is it that we can actually apply what we’ve learned to the next situation when the details of the hand have changed?


Believe it or not, it isn’t just the low-level forums that fall into these patterns. Even private study groups among high-stakes players frequently devolve into this type of subjective, biased analysis.

Either they can’t come to a conclusion on anything, or even worse, there is a clear, no-gray-area conclusion for every hand that is discussed. Now, that second scenario might seem more appealing, but it’s actually very dangerous. Allow me to explain… 

Have you ever been in a study group where one person has the final say on everything? Remember how frustrating it was to be forced onto the next hand without feeling like you really understood the solution? 

Think about how unproductive this becomes if the group leader is not held accountable. Why is he not required to produce any evidence for what he says? And why has everyone else in the group decided to put so much trust in his intuition?

And even if he’s correct, what value has he actually offered you? How are you supposed to arrive at better decisions under pressure if you were never shown how to get there? It’s like you’re being asked to imitate somebody else’s thoughts without a clear explanation of how they came up with them! 

Think back to the last session you played where you faced a really difficult bet on the river. How did you feel when you made that decision to call or fold? How confident were you after the hand that you had made the right play?

Many players feel almost “frozen” in high-pressure bluff catching situations. They have so much information flying at them all at once that they can’t prioritize anything, so they enter a state of “analysis paralysis.”

Other players have the opposite reaction. They instinctively avoid the uncertainty by completely rushing their decision, and the hand is over before they realize what hit them.

The two reactions are different, but the result is the same:


Then, after the session, we replay the hand over and over and try to come to a conclusion about it. But there is simply too much missing information—too many details that we haven’t been able to quantify.

The bet sizing… the positions… the player profiles… every data point has it’s own spectrum of potential implications, each having a dramatic impact on the equity of your hand. 

It’s no wonder we run to forums or Skype groups to get other peoples’ opinions. If anything, just to get out of our own heads! But most of those players are no better off than you are. Everyone is battling against uncertainty.

As both a mindset coach and a technical coach, I can tell you that there is nothing worse for your game than letting this uncertainty take hold of you. It will begin to distort every one of your decisions and send your career into a downward performance spiral

This mental game instability, especially when combined with a bad run of variance, can cause crippling downswings that are incredibly difficult for a player to find his way out of. Self-doubt is a vicious cycle that can be the end to an otherwise successful career.

But it’s not just the complexity that makes bluff catching so difficult. There is a powerful psychological force at work which is what causes bluff catching to be such a sensitive part of the game.


The mind has trouble grasping how it’s possible for an investment to fail most of the time, yet still be profitable in the long run due to pot odds. Bluff catches are supposed to fail far more often than they succeed, and they do. That’s why they feel so painful.

Let’s take a simple example where your opponent bets 1/2 pot on the river and you hold a bluff catcher. A 1/2 pot bet offers you 3:1 odds on your call. That means you only have to win the pot 25% of the time to break even. Put differently, you are allowed to fail 75% of the time that you make the call.

If, instead, your call wins the pot a mere 30% of the time, then congratulations: you’ve made a very profitable bluff catch. But the mind doesn’t see it that way. If you make a handful of these bluff catches in a session and most of them don’t work out, all the mind understands is that you lost your investment more often than you won it back.

Take a look at the image below. As you can see, even at larger bet sizes, the situation doesn’t get much better. In virtually all bluff catching scenarios, we’ll be losing the pot the clear majority of the time.

Most players understand the mathematics at work here, but they don’t fully grasp the massive consequences that negative confirmation bias can have on their mindsets. 

It’s as if the mind is being hammered from both ends: First, we have the confusion of being forced to make a critical decision with missing information. And second, we have to deal with the stark reality of how likely it is that we will lose the pot after investing more money.

So how can we resolve these difficult decisions without driving ourselves nuts? How can we scientifically find the answers to questions that are far too complex for our minds to handle? 

And most importantly, how can we be confident in our actions at the table, so that we don’t succumb to negative confirmation bias when times get tough and variance is working against us?


In early 2017, I released a course called Night Vision which used GTO solvers to plot optimal solutions against pool trends. By studying millions of hands, we gained vision over the pool’s imbalances across gigantic samples.

For the first time, we had irrefutable evidence in support of a winning exploitative strategy. By pouring on aggression in zones where human players systematically overfolded, we were able to gain a massive edge over a pool, and they had no idea what hit them.

What we had was a consistent, data-driven system. And not only was it more incentivized than GTO, but it was also simpler and more practical to implement.

Within a year, the Night Vision community grew to over one hundred members, and many of these players achieved massive success. The reason they were able to hack the system is that they were willing to put their trust in something larger than themselves. Some of these players even rose from low stakes to high stakes in that time. 

They were able to defer to the data in unclear zones and capitalize on the pool trends, rather than having to always rely on their judgment on a case-by-case basis.

Not only that, but they were able to thrive in a new learning environment that was collaborative and scientific. They had a common goal to find proven, practical exploits. They didn’t waste their time with complexity and speculation that ultimately leads nowhere.

Now, we’re applying this technology to the other side of the game tree. Rather than studying the pool’s folding frequencies, we’ve studied river range compositions to exploit the pool in zones where their aggression is significantly imbalanced.

For the first time, we’ve created a course to bring clarity to the pool’s river bluffing frequencies in every common line. It’s now possible to begin every bluff catching analysis with empirical evidence to inform your decisions.

No more guessing if a line is overbluffed. No more speculating about the meaning of a particular bet size. Just cold hard data—and it’s incredibly powerful.

I’d like to take a moment to reveal a sneak peek at what’s inside this course right now… 





Bring clarity to bluff catching with a proven system—based on hundreds of millions of hands of data—that exploits pool aggression in the most imbalanced zones.

No matter what stakes you’re playing. Or what site you’re on. Even if you’ve never used advanced poker software.

AND you’ll get automatic access to our exclusive forum of Ether Almanac members —including players at all limits—to keep you on the leading edge.

The Ether Almanac is our most in-depth data analysis research. It combines bet-size and textural mass data analysis over many lines, formations, and player profiles. It’s the most potent method for developing world-class bluff catching ability, and it has become our focus for advanced training with our students. 

Rather than talk you through what’s in the course, I’d rather just show you the technology, because it’s more advanced than anything we’ve ever developed.

[Sneak Peek from Module 1]

The Ether Almanac is about no longer having to rely on someone else’s opinions in order to work on your game. It’s about bringing clarity to your bluff catching analysis with mass data, instead of going with your gut on every hand and battling the negative confirmation bias.



The Ether Almanac is broken into five video modules



Bluff Catching With Mass Data: 
A Proven Method For Exploiting Pool Aggression In Imbalanced Zones

Learn how the Ether Almanac was created, and how to read the “Ether Grids” that we’ve packed with information for every common line.
Fish Profiles: 
Simple Strategies For Maximizing Win Rate Against Recreational Players

Learn which data points to prioritize when bluff catching against fish, and which ones to completely ignore. Identify the most common lines where fish severely overbluff, and the surprising lines where fish bluff far less than regs.
Reg Profiles:
How To Exploit The Imbalanced Aggression of Non-Recreational Players

Capitalize on the texture trends that supposedly “balanced” players attack far too aggressively. Understand the meanings of different bet sizings, and the massive impact that formation has on the reg’s bluffing frequency.
Hand2Note Tutorial: 
Create Your Own MDA Lab In 30 Minutes Or Less
Take a tour of the most powerful poker software on the market with Ether’s lead engineer. Fast-track the path to setting up your own experiments and becoming an independent learner. (Even if you have never used Hand2Note before.)
Bonus Content: 
Sub-profiles, Aggression Trends in 2018, And High Stakes Studies

Gain full clarity over reg and fish sub-profiles including tight-gap regs, nit regs, volatile fish, and passive fish. Keep up to date on current pool trends with the 2018 20-million hand database study. Pick up additional accuracy at mid-high stakes with the 400nl-1knl pool study.

Private Ether Forum:

Join an exclusive study group to discuss course content and new findings with dozens of like-minded players at all levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the course relevant for the site I play on?

    Yes. This pack was made using data from multiple major environments including PokerStars, iPoker, Winamax, WPN, and 888poker, including stakes from $50nl to $1knl, Zoom and regular games.

  • How long is the course in total?

    The full course has five short video lectures, and about 100 Ether grids for common profiles, lines, and formations.

  • Do I need to buy Hand2Note for this course?

    No. You only need this program if you want to run your own simulations for unique lines or for your own pools. We have included our postflop blueprint based on our own Hand2Note findings over a wide spread of player pools. Hand2Note Edge is needed if you decide to run your own range research. The cost is $39.00 per month, or $351.00 per year.

  • How much time should I expect to devote to this course?

    We believe that within 20 hours of studying this course a player can substantially improve his win-rate just by applying the postflop strategy suggested in the videos and compiled in our Ether Grid library.

  • How do I know your coaching is legit?

    I have thousands of hours of coaching experience with players at all levels. I have taken losing players at micros and turn them into high stakes winners in less than a year. (Remember that you are an individual and your results will vary depending on talent, effort, and dedication.) To learn more about my coaching philosophy and style of play, you can watch the free content on my YouTube channel.

  • I am a total beginner and I don’t think I am ready for this. Do you have any introductory courses?

    Not at this time. I would recommend checking out They have a very affordable “essential” subscription option where you’ll have access to a lot of helpful beginner training. It’s a great resource for any beginner who is trying to build up his terminology and intro strategy.

  • How is this course different from Night Vision?

    Night Vision focuses on “aggression hotspots,” or exploiting zones where the pool systematically overfolds to aggression. Ether focuses on exploitative opportunities on the defensive side of the game tree, identifying where the pool significantly underbluffs/overbluffs. Ether and Night Vision function as partner packs and combine to offer a complete system.

  • What if I fall behind?

    You will gain lifetime access to the course, so you can study at your own pace. Additionally, each module is distilled into a short video identifying the key takeaways from the massive amounts of data we have collected, so you don’t have to.

  • Is there a refund available?

    There is no refund available on this course, as it has brought proven success to our community over large samples.




$600 $1,600 $2,400
Module 1: Bluff Catching With Mass Data
A Proven Method For Exploiting Pool Aggression In Imbalanced Zones

Module 2: Fish Profiles
Simple Strategies For Maximizing Win Rate Against Recreational Players   
   - 20-minute video lecture

  - 30+ Ether data grids for FIsh profiles in general formation

Module 4: Hand2Note Tutorial
Create Your Own MDA Lab In 30 Minutes Or Less 
- 30-minute video lecture
Ether Starter* 


Module 3: Reg Profiles
How To Exploit The Imbalanced Aggression of Non-Recreational Players
- 30-minute video lecture

- 130 Ether grids for reg profiles for all common lines in ALL FORMATIONS including...

- SRP IP PFC: BB vs. SB, BTN vs. CO/EP-MP, MP-CO vs. EP-MP
- SRP OOP PFR/PFC: Reverse of IP PFC/PFR formations
- 3BP IP Aggressor: BB vs. SB, BTN vs. CO/EP-MP, MP-CO vs. EP-MP
- 3BP IP Defender: BTN/CO/EP-MP vs. Blinds
- 3BP OOP Agg/Def: Reverse of IP Def/Agg formations
Ether Signature*


Module 5: Bonus Content
Sub-profiles, Aggression Trends in 2018, And High Stakes Studies

- 30-minute video lecture
- 30+ Ether grids for Volatile Fish
- 30+ Ether grids for Passive Fish
- 30+ Ether grids for Nit Regs
- 30+ Ether grids for Tight-Gap Regs
- 30+ Ether grids for 2018-only data
- 30+ Ether grids for 400nl+ environments

BONUS: Playability Pack 
A collection of key hand history & data point analysis to optimize your calibration

Exclusive Hand History Forum access

$600 $1,600 $2,400



This course is about more than memorizing facts and data. By studying the pool’s bluffing patterns scientifically, you’ll actually feel yourself starting to gain deep insight into how the pool thinks on a macro level.

And this is the key: The Ether Almanac doesn’t just teach you how the pool is imbalanced, it helps you understand why. So you’re not just looking at a bunch of numbers on a grid, you’re actually learning how to recognize the patterns that cause real opponents to make imbalanced plays. 

To give you an example, here’s another sneak peek from Module 2, which studies the bluffing psychology of fish. 

[Sneak Peek from Module 2]

This type of simplified pattern recognition is the backbone of my coaching methodology. I don’t want my students to try to memorize infinitely complex strategies. I’ve been there, it doesn’t work. I want you to study smarter, not harder.

For years, I was swept up in the GTO craze. I studied gridwork across the entire game tree—frequently putting in sixty-plus hour weeks trying to replicate the complex strategies that the solvers suggested. 

But the rabbit hole ran so much deeper than I thought. There was no end to the complexity of playing a balanced strategy. I reached a state of total burnout. I was getting worse, not better.

Thankfully, I was able to snap out of it, and I found a smarter path. I began to use the solvers in more creative ways. I studied the human element of the game—what GTO had convinced me to ignore—and rediscovered that my opponents were real people with real imbalances.

And that’s when I realized that I hadn’t actually gotten any worse at poker. My pattern recognition skill set was stronger than ever. I had just been focusing it on all the wrong things!

So many of you are already good at poker, you just haven't had the proper technology to show you where to focus all of your attention. In order to make the next leap, you’ll have to stop believing what other people have told you is relevant.

GTO destroyed my ability to utilize my pattern recognition skill set. I’ve seen it do the same for so many students. Mass data is the new gear, and it’s going to allow you to optimize the pattern recognition skills that you already have. You’re just functionally integrating what you already excel at. 

Ether is about taking the assumptions out of bluff catching with empirical data. So not only are you getting an automatic win rate boost from better accuracy, but you’re also getting simplification. This is the map that allows you to start analyzing every hand from a relevant, unbiased perspective.

And best of all, you’ll be part of an elite community of like-minded players who are all interested in following a smarter, scientific path toward improvement. 

Players who can’t see that path will still be facing the same struggles a year from now. They’ll still be doing their best to guess their way to the right decisions. They’ll be battling negative confirmation bias and the weight of all of their unanswered questions and uncertainties.

Meanwhile, the players who have found the clarity of mass data will be years ahead of the competition, exploiting their imbalances every step of the way. 

Which path are you going to take?




$600 $1,600 $2,400
Module 1: Bluff Catching With Mass Data
A Proven Method For Exploiting Pool Aggression In Imbalanced Zones

Module 2: Fish Profiles
Simple Strategies For Maximizing Win Rate Against Recreational Players   
   - 20-minute video lecture

  - 30+ Ether data grids for FIsh profiles in general formation

Module 4: Hand2Note Tutorial
Create Your Own MDA Lab In 30 Minutes Or Less 
- 30-minute video lecture
Ether Starter* 


Module 3: Reg Profiles
How To Exploit The Imbalanced Aggression of Non-Recreational Players
- 30-minute video lecture

- 130 Ether grids for reg profiles for all common lines in ALL FORMATIONS including...

- SRP IP PFC: BB vs. SB, BTN vs. CO/EP-MP, MP-CO vs. EP-MP
- SRP OOP PFR/PFC: Reverse of IP PFC/PFR formations
- 3BP IP Aggressor: BB vs. SB, BTN vs. CO/EP-MP, MP-CO vs. EP-MP
- 3BP IP Defender: BTN/CO/EP-MP vs. Blinds
- 3BP OOP Agg/Def: Reverse of IP Def/Agg formations
Ether Signature*


Module 5: Bonus Content
Sub-profiles, Aggression Trends in 2018, And High Stakes Studies

- 30-minute video lecture
- 30+ Ether grids for Volatile Fish
- 30+ Ether grids for Passive Fish
- 30+ Ether grids for Nit Regs
- 30+ Ether grids for Tight-Gap Regs
- 30+ Ether grids for 2018-only data
- 30+ Ether grids for 400nl+ environments

BONUS: Playability Pack 
A collection of key hand history & data point analysis to optimize your calibration

Exclusive Hand History Forum access

$600 $1,600 $2,400